Experience an adventurous and exciting trek in Nepal during Winter

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold.”                                  – Aristotle

As a trekker, we love to travel all around the world and throughout the year. But sometimes weather challenges us block our ways but we still continue our trek. Sometimes we went through heavy rainfall which delays our trip and sometimes extreme cold. During Autumn and Spring, we need not necessarily think about any deadlocks but in Winter and fall, we have to choose the appropriate place for our trek.

This is winter time so let’s just think about the places where you can trek. You made a schedule for visiting Nepal and spend some time here during Nepal. But most people visit Nepal for expedition or trekking in high elevation. So what to do you have scheduled your trip to Nepal and you arrived here. Are you stressed? Thinking about what to do and where to go? No worry Nepal is not just for trekking and expedition in high elevation but there is much more to do especially in the winter season.

You can enjoy the different culture of ethnic people, take spiritual tours, hike in hilltops, camping in the mountains, and many more. What do you want to do is your choice. Here is the amazing list of activities that blow your mind.

Camping in Mountains

Mountains are the pride of the nation, and mountains are those which attracts the tourist. Especially during winter, camping is famous for outdoor activities. Going hiking and camping with the bonfire is an amazing experience. So you can see many mountains in Nepal where you can go and stay overnight. The trip will be adventurous because of hiking and amazing because of camping.

Hiking to Hilltops

Staying in hotels or exploring cities is not what the winter for. During winter we feel so cold so staying in one place is not the solution and why to be in a crowdy place every time. Sometimes hiking to the hilltops is better options. No cold because of hiking, great experience, and away from the crowdy place. There are many hill stations near Kathmandu and in other places, so enjoy winter by hiking rather than staying at hotel rooms.


Trekking to the low-alpine Himalayas

Trekking in high altitude is just impossible in the winter season but we can trek in lower altitude. Trekking in the lower altitude of Himalayas takes you to the Himalayan villages and provides you a chance to explore their lifestyle. And most of the places of Himalayan regions snowfall during the winter season. So you can enjoy snowfall and snow battle in low alpine Himalayas.

Everest Panorama Trekking

While it is possible to trek in Everest during the winter season. The trek’s highest altitude will be around 5,000 m so this won’t be the problem. At first trek to Everest is one of the most challenging trek and in winter that will be tough even for the experienced one.

So there are many options like a flight to Lukla from Kathmandu and explore around the Namche Bazar, Thame village, and old monasteries otherwise hike in Everest Regions up to where you can hike. The only problem is extreme cold since we are not going on top so there is a fewer chance of avalanche.

Kathmandu Pokhara Tour

Tour around the city area is always the best thing to do every season, especially during the winter season. In the winter season, many festivals fall in ruler places of Pokhara and Kathmandu. Kathmandu Pokhara Tour in winter takes you to some cultural tour around Kathmandu and some Pokhara Street Festival.

Winter is not just sitting at your room covered by your blanket, there is many more beyond the room and blanket. Take off your blanket and come out of your room and see what you miss while sitting in the room.